Another recipe from the Trentino region in Italy, it has been in my aunty's family for a long time.

100gr bread (no hard crust)
Half a glass of milk or broth
50gr grated parmisan
200gr frozen spinach
1 egg beaten
Just a pinch of black pepper
For the sauce:
100gr butter
1 tablespoon of fresh chopped sage
100gr grated parmisan
Melt the butter in a pan then let the spinach cook with the lid closed at low to medium heat for a few minutes, stirring to ensure that they're all defrosted
Open the lid and let it cook until all the liquid has evaporated, stirring every now and then. Once cooked dry let it cool down to room temperature
Wet the bread with the milk or broth and obtain a paste, squeezing out any excess liquid, then mix it with the spinach, the egg and the parmisan
Make biggish oblong gnocchi, and cook for 4 minutes in boiling salted boiling water
In the meantime melt the butter for the sauce and add the sage stirring well
Drain gli Strangolapreti and mix with the sauce and a good bit of parmisan